Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Learn Trading

Chapter 1: Investing
Review of books that teach the fine art of investing

Article 1: The Art of Speculation | Aug 16 2001
A review of Philip Carret’s book that is a gospel for speculators and investors alike.
Article 2: Graham and value investing | Apr 26 2001
Janet Lowe's book makes a good attempt to encapsulate Ben Graham's investing philosophy.
Article 3: ignore | May 3 2001
Fred Schwed Jr's book with this zany title examines if the rules on Wall Street have really cha...
Article 4: An unreasonable man | Aug 7 2001
A look at Warren Buffet's investment philosophy based on 'The Warren Buffet Way' by Robert G Ha...
Article 5: Uncovering stock market profits | Jul 6 2001
Joel Greenblatt's best selling book "You can be a stock market genius" attempts to inspire us e...
Article 6: ignore | Jul 9 2001
In the minds of most investors short sellers are next only to Satan worshippers. Once you read ...
Article 7: Sold Short | Jul 9 2001
In the minds of most investors short sellers are next only to Satan worshippers. Once you read ...
Article 8: "A Random Walk..." | Jul 24 2001
Described as the “Dr Spock of investment”, this book is a guide for individual inve...